Canarie by Joachim van den Hove (1567-1620)
Joachim van den Hove spent his life in the Netherlands, where he was held in high regard as a lutenist, composer and teacher. He published 3 collections of lute music: Florida, Praeludia testudinis and Delitiae Musicae, from which this piece is taken. The canarie was a type of dance piece which came to Spain from the Canary Islands. Its popularity spread throughout Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.

This piece is easy to play, relying almost exclusively on open strings for the bass notes. Follow the life-hand fingerings closely for the smoothest, most legato (connected) performance.
13 Measures. 2 Pages. 2/4 Time Signature. Key of D . No Barre Chords. Easy Guitar Piece.