
Cubanita (Habanera) by Bartolome Calatayud (Guitar Tab)

Cubanita (Suite Antigua) by Bartolome Calatayud (1882-1973) A prominent Majorcan guitarist and composer whose passion towards the guitar brought forth music full of harmony and expression. A great personality who established a position as the best Majorcan guitarist and one of the best concert performers of Spanish guitar music, a contemporary of Llobet and Segovia.

Tango Argentino by Bartolome Calatayud (Guitar Tab)

Tango Argentino (Suite Antigua) by Bartolome Calatayud (1882-1973) A prominent Majorcan guitarist and composer whose passion towards the guitar brought forth music full of harmony and expression. A great personality who established a position as the best Majorcan guitarist and one of the best concert performers of Spanish guitar music, a contemporary of Llobet and …

Tango Argentino by Bartolome Calatayud (Guitar Tab) Read More »

Dixies Land by Justin Holland

Dixies Land by Justin Holland by Justin Holland (1819-1877) Justin Holland was an African-American classical musician, guitarist, composer and arranger. It’s safe to say that Justin Holland was the one of the most important American guitarists of his generation. The first Black man to make an important contribution to the classic guitar.

Rondino by Bartolome Calatayud (Guitar Tab)

Rondino (Suite Antigua) by Bartolome Calatayud (1882-1973) A prominent Majorcan guitarist and composer whose passion towards the guitar brought forth music full of harmony and expression. A great personality who established a position as the best Majorcan guitarist and one of the best concert performers of Spanish guitar music, a contemporary of Llobet and Segovia.

Minueto by Bartolome Calatayud (Guitar Tab)

Minueto (Suite Antigua) by Bartolome Calatayud (1882-1973) A prominent Majorcan guitarist and composer whose passion towards the guitar brought forth music full of harmony and expression. A great personality who established a position as the best Majorcan guitarist and one of the best concert performers of Spanish guitar music, a contemporary of Llobet and Segovia.

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